helping to resolvedisputes
Expert Witness
reports & evidenceat trial
Quantity surveying &
Project Management
delivering a functional & financially viable project
Programming & Planning
managing your needs fromconcept to completion & forensic analysis

The Practice
R. P. Miller Associates LLP are legally qualified, chartered surveyors providing contractual and commercial advice, services and solutions to the construction industry throughout the UK and overseas. We are renowned for our no nonsense, pragmatic and commercial approach.
We are qualified professionals with considerable experience in construction providing a combination of technical, economic, legal, managerial skills and services for construction projects from inception to completion. Using our specific skills and depth of knowledge the practice specialises in contractual advice and the management and resolution of contractual, programming and quantum disputes.
The Founder

BSc (Hons) MSc (Law) MRICS MCIArb
Every case and project has different facts with each client having unique circumstances and needs.
With extensive exposure and experience in the construction and civil engineering industry and having carried out traditional, contentious and expert witness work for Contractors, Private Practice and Solicitors, it became clear that there were relatively few consultants whose drive was to excel in analysis and the delivery of their work to identify solutions to provide an advantage and benefit above the standard service provided.
I set up the Practice to provide this superior service and by focusing on establishing an increased understanding of the client, the facts and problem issues efficiently, a more directed and effective service is provided. This goes hand in hand with producing accurate, but detailed and robust documents and evidence required.
With consistent positive feed back from our UK market, clients have confirmed that we are providing the superior service they have been looking for. We are achieving my aim and the practice will continue to carryout work in this way.