Analysis & Claims

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We have extensive experience in dealing with complex matters of delay, extensions of time, retrospective forensic impact analysis, disruption, acceleration and global claims.

Our experts evaluate project records and documents that are available together with the programme content, logic, sequences and durations. This allows us to establish the most appropriate and clear entitlement to time or liability for delay.

Having considered the records we provided expert and tactical advice to create a meaningful demonstrated case that will generally require us to:

  • Establish a reliable/robust baseline programme
  • Produce an as-built programme
  • Establish critical paths (planned and actual)
  • Establish relevant events amongst claimed and culpable events
  • Evaluate resource loading
  • Demonstrate delays that impacted upon and extended the Contract period.

We take a pragmatic and common sense approach and being fully conversant with all delay analysis methodologies we are regularly appointed by employers, contractors, solicitors, arbitrators and adjudicators seeking independent and impartial programming advice.

Click here for our Financial Claims page.

A further strength we can rely upon is our commercial and quantity surveying expertise that goes hand in hand with claiming costs associated with delay.